H-1 to FRESH (Festival REmaja SHolihah)
its driving me CRAZY !!! gue stress mikirin tari piring yang belum selesai semua gerakannya, terus hari sabtu 2 hari lagi gue tampil ! BAYANGIN !! terus fashion show juga belum lengkap lagu-lagunya.. bajunya juga belum... huf, lo bayangin apa gue ga stress ?? MINGGU DEPAN juga ada acara talkshow Habiburrahman dan gue bagian DEKORASI !! sedangkan gue belum sempet konsul ini itu ke ustad ustadzahnya !! minggu depannya lagi PROGRESI ! sedangkan gue belum terlalu ngerti tentang K-I-M-I-A !! minggu depannya lagi ULANGAN !! minggu depannya lagi LOMBA SPORT !!! gila gue beneran dah stress beraaat !! mana badan gabisa diajak kompromi dikiiit aja, masa iya kecapean dulu, iyasih gaboleh ngeforsir badan TAPI MAU GIMANA LAGI COBA ?? daripada urusan ga kelar kan ?? huh gila sumpah sumpek abis hidup kaya ginii iiih
about me and my senior highscool life :)
S.U.C.K.T.E.R.D.A.Y !
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Ok, today is definately the sucktertday ! it was begin from the chemistry lesson.. and now ? oh you don’t wanna know how it feels being ME today..
Is it only me, or the day is tired too ?
Gua capek banget hari ini, dari pagi udah ga mood.. nyari baju yang maching ga dapet2, terus hari refreshing jadi belajar, and then mati lampu dari pagi sampe sore ! Gua juga bikin brosur ga bisa nyari gambar buat di brosur, you know why ? because.. ga ada koneksi internet ! oke gua bisa moto pake kamera, but.. the sun was already drowning ! and gua sekarang pusing banget, dengan keadaan maag kambuh dan belum makan..
Gua pengen nelpon ortu, eh wartelnya tutup ! damnit !!
And then... gua ga punya tujuan sekarang -__________- dang !
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F-R-I-D-A-Y (i guess, kinda forgot about it)
one of my friend told me about this beauty red butterfly, and I was amazed with it so~ I started to take its picture and tell to my friends about it :) I like this beautyfly !
Kaichou Wa Maid Sama
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Rabu, 16 November 2011
ma~ sore wa kaichou wa maid-sama~! 
watashiwa kono manga hontouni suki desu~~ ♥♥
Alternative Name : 会長はメイド様!; 会长是女仆; 會長是女僕; 會長是女僕大人; 회장은메이드님!; Maid-sama!; My Sweet Kaichou; President is a Maid!; The Student Council President is a Maid!; Przewodnicząca jest pokojówką!; رئيسة مجلس الطلاب خادمة! (arabic); Президент студсовета - горничная! (russian); สาวเมดผจญหนุ่มสุดป่วน (thai); Mokinių tarybos prezidentė yra tarnaitė! (Lithuanian); A Presidente é uma Maid! (Brazilian Portuguese); Hội trưởng là một Hầu Gái (Vietnamese); Presedinta Consiliului elevilor este o Servitoare!(Romanian); Ang Presidente ay isang Katulong! (Filipino); La Presidenta del Consejo Estudiantil es una Sirvienta! (spanish); Õpilasesinduse president on teenijanna! (Estonian); La présidente du bureau d'élèves est une soubrette
Years of Released
Ongoing, Kaichou Wa Maid-sama!
Author : Fujiwara Hiro
Artist : Fujiwara Hiro
Genre(s) : Comedy, Drama, Romance, School Life, Shoujo
Summary : Once an all boys school, Seika High, a renowned school full of reckless and filthy students, has recently become a co-ed school. However, with the female population still remaining a minority even after the change over the recent years, Ayuzawa Misaki takes it into her own hands to reform the school and allow a chance for the girls to feel safer in the rough environment.
Training, studying and even becoming the first female student council president of the school, Misaki has gained a reputation, among the male students body as an uptight boy-hating demon dictator and as a shining hope for the teachers and fellow female students. However, despite her tough-as-nails appearance, she secretly works part-time at a maid cafe in order to support her family. Unfortunately, her secret is soon revealed when the somewhat impassive Usui Takumi, a popular boy at school, nonchalantly discovers her in a maid uniform after school.
Read Online : http://www.mangafox.com/manga/kaichou_wa_maid_sama/
Watch Online : http://www.animeseason.com/kaichou-wa-maid-sama/
watashiwa kono manga hontouni suki desu~~ ♥♥
Alternative Name : 会長はメイド様!; 会长是女仆; 會長是女僕; 會長是女僕大人; 회장은메이드님!; Maid-sama!; My Sweet Kaichou; President is a Maid!; The Student Council President is a Maid!; Przewodnicząca jest pokojówką!; رئيسة مجلس الطلاب خادمة! (arabic); Президент студсовета - горничная! (russian); สาวเมดผจญหนุ่มสุดป่วน (thai); Mokinių tarybos prezidentė yra tarnaitė! (Lithuanian); A Presidente é uma Maid! (Brazilian Portuguese); Hội trưởng là một Hầu Gái (Vietnamese); Presedinta Consiliului elevilor este o Servitoare!(Romanian); Ang Presidente ay isang Katulong! (Filipino); La Presidenta del Consejo Estudiantil es una Sirvienta! (spanish); Õpilasesinduse president on teenijanna! (Estonian); La présidente du bureau d'élèves est une soubrette
Years of Released
Ongoing, Kaichou Wa Maid-sama!
Author : Fujiwara Hiro
Artist : Fujiwara Hiro
Genre(s) : Comedy, Drama, Romance, School Life, Shoujo
Summary : Once an all boys school, Seika High, a renowned school full of reckless and filthy students, has recently become a co-ed school. However, with the female population still remaining a minority even after the change over the recent years, Ayuzawa Misaki takes it into her own hands to reform the school and allow a chance for the girls to feel safer in the rough environment.
Training, studying and even becoming the first female student council president of the school, Misaki has gained a reputation, among the male students body as an uptight boy-hating demon dictator and as a shining hope for the teachers and fellow female students. However, despite her tough-as-nails appearance, she secretly works part-time at a maid cafe in order to support her family. Unfortunately, her secret is soon revealed when the somewhat impassive Usui Takumi, a popular boy at school, nonchalantly discovers her in a maid uniform after school.
Read Online : http://www.mangafox.com/manga/kaichou_wa_maid_sama/
Watch Online : http://www.animeseason.com/kaichou-wa-maid-sama/
another random sunday at Al-Izzah IIBS
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that was sunday when tenth class finished the "cinema" event, at 1pm we're allowed tto use laptop in LRC ofcourse, but its only 1 hour :'( but ist ok :)
and me (right using gray clothes) w/ hana (left using black and red clothes) foto-foto pake kamera laptop :D hahaha and here it is~
yea, another random sunday at Al-Izzah IIBS
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- naneun daniyaputri imnida ! :D saya hng, saya hanyalah manusia biasa yang sangat random ._.